Breathwork with businessBREATH®: Setting and Process

Breathwork is a valuable way to promote personal growth, reduce stress, and improve overall quality of life. With businessBREATH®, I offer flexible settings tailored to your individual needs. You can choose between group breathwork sessions and individual breath training.

Group Breathwork

Group sessions take place in an open, supportive atmosphere, usually in the form of workshops lasting one to two days. The exercises are performed while sitting, standing, or in movement and are designed to be easily accessible for all participants.
The focus is on:

  • Developing concentration to calm the mind and achieve inner peace
  • Enhancing sensory awareness for a better connection with the body
  • Experiencing natural, unrestricted breathing flow
  • Strengthening intuition for clearer and more confident decision-making

Through targeted breathing exercises in sitting and standing positions, you will learn how to use your breath as a tool for greater balance and energy. More details about my offerings can be found on the respective service page.

Individual Breath Training: One-on-One Coaching

Individual breath training always begins with an in-depth conversation where I explore your motivations, needs, and goals. This allows me to tailor each session precisely to your requirements. The coaching can take place while sitting, standing, or in movement. Alternatively, a treatment table can be used for a specialized breath therapy session that focuses on resolving blockages.

Process of a Breath Therapy Session:

  • You lie comfortably on a treatment table. Using gentle pressure, strokes, and stretching techniques, I guide your breathing movements.
  • The goal is to release blockages and deepen your breathing.
  • Your body receives better oxygenation, promoting deep relaxation, increased vitality, and heightened awareness of sensations, emotions, and thoughts.

Each session concludes with a reflection discussion where we review your experiences and discuss possible next steps.

Who Can Benefit from businessBREATH®?

The businessBREATH® programs are designed for anyone curious about trying something new. Whether you seek relaxation, balance, vitality, or inspiration, breathwork provides a path to achieving these goals. It is especially beneficial for individuals experiencing high stress or exhaustion.

Important Notes

  • businessBREATH® is not a substitute for medical or psychotherapeutic treatment but can serve as a valuable complement. Please do not discontinue ongoing treatments, and consult a doctor for health concerns.
  • My offerings focus solely on personal development and are not covered by health insurance.
  • The format and duration of coaching are tailored individually and reassessed in each session. Therefore, no fixed number of sessions can be guaranteed.

Visit the homepage to learn more about the businessBREATH® philosophy or explore the service page for booking options.

With businessBREATH®, I support you in discovering your breath as a key to a more conscious and fulfilling life.